Every grief journey is different because each situation is different. Gaining understanding of the challenges that people face in various situations will assist those who support, and directing the bereaved to relevant services can make all the difference. A good first step in helping any bereavement situation therefore, is to find agencies that support that specific situation and to locate, through them, relevant resources and articles.
Supporting Different Situations

AtaLoss.org specialises in signposting the bereaved, so the main charities supporting different scenarios can be found through them, along with useful resources.
The AtaLoss.org website provides articles and resources for different situations.
Contributions towards this are invited under the headings listed below, along with any other subject headings you might like to offer:
Long term illness, Sudden death, Suicide, Stigma related death, Death of a partner, Death of a baby, Miscarriage, Death of a Child, Death of an adult child, Death of a sibling, Losing parents, Bereavement and the elderly, Bereavement and children, Bereavement and the young adult, Bereavement in middle age, Bereavement and men, Bereavement through dementia, Bereavement and special needs, Supporting bereaved people of different cultures, Supporting bereaved people of other faiths.
See below for how to support children and young people:
With regard to specific services we would like to highlight here services provided by Christians, although services offered are for people of any faith or none:
Widowed Young Support (Care for the Family)
Support days and weekends, and telephone befriending, for people up to 50 who have lost a lifetime partner.
Bereaved Parent Support (Care for the Family)
Support days and weekends, and telephone befriending, for those who have lost a child at any age.