When someone is bereaved they often report feeling isolated and that it’s as if they have landed in an alien land. Finding information on grief and agencies specialising in, for instance, the cause of the death, can be a great help, even a life-line to those who are confused and not knowing where to turn. It is also common in the early weeks and months of grief to be unable to see a way forward. Hearing from people in groups or through websites who have been in a similar situation who have ‘survived’ the trauma can sometimes be the only way a person can have hope. Problems surrounding bereavement can also be varied and accessing several support services can prove helpful.
Signposting those bereaved

There are many bereavement organisations but only a few of them are generally known about. As well as the well-known national charities, smaller local charities can be really helpful, especially if their work closely relates to the circumstances of those who are grieving or because their service is easily accessible.

Churches should therefore find the AtaLoss.org website helpful in their support of those bereaved. AtaLoss.org specialises in providing a signposting service for bereaved people. By using the website’s simple filter system, national support services, as well as local initiatives, can be found for the particular relationship, cause of death, age of the bereaved person and where the person lives. This enables those bereaved and those who are seeking to support them, to find the services that can best help.
The website also has lots of useful resources and general information for helping bereaved people in addition to what is provided here for churches. See AtaLoss.org.
Churches can help anyone bereaved to find the website by displaying AtaLoss.org posters on their notice boards or to hand out cards about the website to mourners at funerals. These can be ordered through the website shop. Click HERE.
In return AtaLoss.org would appreciate hearing of local services not yet listed on the website and about any new services which churches develop. Email office@ataloss.org