Loss and HOPE does not receive any regular funding and our ability to develop the project will depend entirely upon the donations we receive.
Support Us

We are extremely grateful to all our donors who have enabled us to get to this point but we remain in need of further funds to increase our capacity.
We need to:
- continue to host and maintain the Loss and HOPE website
- continue to fund our Project Manager to promote our aims and respond to enquiries
- continue to fund our part time website manager to receive, research and upload content
- cover the cost of exhibition space, stands and materials and
- pay speaker expenses and general core costs.
- If you know of any organisations, trusts or individuals who might consider funding our aims please get in touch.
And if you could provide a donation to support our work we would be very grateful indeed.
To make a donation by credit card – either a one off or a regular payment please use the following link. This will take you to the AtaLoss.org website. In the message box, please note that your donation is for L&H. Please consider gift aiding your donation! Please click here.
Alternatively, make your donation by direct bank transfer to: Sort Code: 20-45-45 (Barclays); Account Number: 70285978 AtaLoss.org, Reference: L&H. In order for us to acknowledge receipt please email to advise us of the payment for Loss and HOPE and detailing the amount and source.