Still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, as we approach the season of remembrance and Christmas, there may be a growing sense of need for collective prayer and to support those affected by loss and sorrow in our communities.
Remembrance and Christmas Resources

A diverse range of resources on the theme of lament and remembrance for Churches to use at special services that commemorate those who have died and to embrace those who mourn, has been put together by the Bishop of Southwark’s Advisory Group for Liturgy.
As the Bishop says, whilst we profess the joy of Easter, “we in no way deny the reality of sorrow and pain. It is to give a voice for engaging honestly with the latter, that these materials are intended“.
The materials are intentionally diverse so that any church in whatever tradition of worship they stand, will find something useful that can be used at any time, but especially during services offered during the Covid-19 pandemic at All Souls, Remembrance Sunday, Christmas and special services to commemorate the dead, as well as private memorial services and funerals. You can download the Liturgical Resource below.
A Season to Remember webinar

There are few people who haven’t been touched by loss of some kind this year. In this webinar, broadcast September 24th 2020, Revd Canon Sandra Millar explored how we can still be there for people around All Souls’ Day, Remembrance Sunday and looking ahead to Christmas. This webinar provides practical advice for finding new ways to be there for people, even though our usual patterns of worship may not be possible.
Presenter: Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Head of Life Events and Welcome.
- The Church of England’s Covid advice page offers the latest updates on indoor and outdoors services.
- Follow this link for the Government’s detailed advice on ‘Safe use of places of worship’.
- website signposts services and resources for the bereaved. It can be mentioned on websites, in services/funerals – and posters are available for notice boards/foyers, also hand out cards.
Ideas for Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day
Further information and resources are available on the Church Support Hub page here:
Here, Mike Saunders from St. Lawrence’s Hungerford explains how his church runs The Bereavement Journey following All Soul’s.