Day of Reflection 9th March 2025

This year, the Day of Reflection falls on Sunday 9th March, and we are encouraging churches to include mention of the day in your notices and prayers.

For many in society, the Pandemic is in the past, and memories of that time are fading. For those bereaved during that period, whether by Covid or not, memories are still fresh and painful, or buried deep inside as they try to carry on living in a world that has all but forgotten.

The Church of England has a very useful page of resources which we encourage you to visit and use when preparing your services or events.

The Department of Media, Culture and Sport, which is leading on the day itself, has produced this helpful resource pack which contains downloadable images and posters.

We also ask you to direct people to so that they can be signposted to resources and support services, particularly if the day opens up their pain and leaves them with feelings they need help to process.