Bereavement Friendly Church Webinar
Bereaved people naturally wonder about the big questions of life, such as about the afterlife and God. Churches have a particular opportunity in bereavement to show the love of God and bring hope for the future. However, despite Christians reaching out and being welcoming, the Church can often be one of the hardest places for bereaved people to feel at home.
Bereavement Friendly Church is recommended for all churches seeking to support those bereaved – including those running The Bereavement Journey course (online or face-to-face) – to enable those bereaved people they are in contact with to feel at home within the life of the church. This webinar is to help church leaders/decision makers to consider their church’s accessibility to bereaved people.
The learning from this webinar can be applied to chaplaincy such as in prisons, hospitals and Universities/colleges.
The webinar is open to all but please be aware that we focus specifically on the UK context.
Each webinar date will cover the same material so there is no need to book onto all dates.
Thursday 3rd April | 7:00pm – 9:30pm | BOOK HERE |
Friday 11th April | 9:30am – 12:00pm | BOOK HERE |
Thursday 1st May | 7:00pm – 9:30pm | BOOK HERE |
More dates to follow.
To make the most of Bereavement Friendly Church it is best that Bereavement Care Awareness is attended first Click here