Bereavement support by churches on the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II

We share in the nation’s grief at the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, and send our condolences to her family.
When a public figure dies, it brings to mind the deaths of our own loved ones. Any new loss can bring up unresolved pain of the past.
At a time of national mourning, offering a place to gather to pay our respects and to reflect on our own grief is a great gift we can give to our communities.
We encourage you to do so, inside or outside your churches, and to direct grieving people to At a Loss via your prayer stations, websites, social media channels, and service sheets so that they can find support.
Please feel free to copy and use the below At a Loss logo where required.

You may like to offer our Remembering Someone badges for people to wear as a mark of respect to Her Majesty or in remembrance of a loved one.
We recommend you also begin to plan now to run The Bereavement Journey® to offer to your communities a safe place to process their grief. It’s effective for any bereavement, any time, and easy for any church to run with all resources and full support available.