What is The Bereavement Journey®?

The Bereavement Journey® is a seven-session programme of films and discussion; a place where people can process their loss in groups with others who have experienced bereavement

It helps people with all types of bereavement (at any time) and of any faith or none, as the first 6 sessions cover general bereavement implications and the 7th session is optional, offering a Christian perspective to the faith questions often asked in loss.

Having run successfully for 25 years at Holy Trinity Brompton, it was published in early 2020 to be run widely by churches as an outreach resource, since bereaved people generally seek support. 

In October 2020 its founder Jane Oundjian received an MBE for creating the course.   See more here.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, The Bereavement Journey® was adapted for offering online as well as face to face and a range of online training and a dedicated team are available for support.

See: www.thebereavementjourney.org